Mogadishu is celebrating in holding TEDx event in Mogadishu for the fourth term, on brief note; TEDX is a nonprofit initiative mainly dedicated to spreading ideas across the world. TEDx began late 1984 as a platform for showcasing Technology, Entertainment and Designs but due to the diversity across the world the events now covers on wide ranges of topics including science, social issues and business initiatives too.

This year’s TEDx Mogadishu marks a more engaging event compared to the previous as some of the honorary speakers were ranging from all representatives of the Somali community and professionals, and the most inspiring theme was how women limitation to access of #Jobs if a major problem among our Somali community and one girl overcame all odd who currently works in a garage, a field that is male dominated and hardly you can’t see many female working at mechanical repairs garages.

The event also portrays an incredible young Somalis capable of doing amazing things in life and with the help of the social media; the Somali youth had created a unified youth platform to help and engage in responding to the droughts in Somalia especially the #Caawiwalaal campaign which show cased how youth across Somalia are connected and took responsibility in reaching out the most drought affected community country wide. The beauty of this youth platform is that it doesn’t have any limitation of tribalism, access and security too which remains a major obstacle to the vast humanitarian actors thus many Somali families don’t get humanitarian aid  because of the diverse regional context and security issues.

Coming back to the themes of the event, The various speakers key speeches were all inspiring and widely covering a resemblance of #Somalis strengthen in terms of socially and believe you me there are Somalis doing some amazing works for the community like the contribution of the Madina Hospital not only because of live saving but rather producing a fine young Somali doctor through giving a platform to do practical works at the hospital and this reciprocated through all other Somalia regions and we have doctors who did their practical training at Madina Hospital and now they are serving all over Somalia.   

This 2017 TEDx Mogadishu marks a ground breaking and creates a stronger Somali cohesion that we can come together and share our potentials and initiatives, This had been all round event we have portrayed arts, poet, business initiatives and professional contribution to the community and one of the remarkable aspect is the collection of old Somali songs back in the years before 1991 and digitizing it, this is a long term preservation of Somali culture and making our old good days’ songs in digital forms rather than caset-tapes.

It is my wish that we continue this amazing annual event and make it happen in the years to come so we can show the world the Somalia that they never heard off and its cultural dynamics with very potential youth that can turn around the negative branding of Somalia and prove that we (Somali youth) are capable of making this beautiful country great in Africa; It can happen, It is doable and let’s do it.   


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