
Showing posts from 2015


Mar walba maka dib dhacdaa shaqo ama iskuulka / Jaamacadaada, adigoon dhameyn waxa ku qorsheysnaa maalinkaa in aad sameyso.   Hadaba kuma fiicnid maareyn waqtiga tasoo aan u fiicneyn caafimaadkaaga iyo maskaxdaada intaba.   Dadka aanan maareyn Karin watigooda sidoo kale ma maareyn karaan nolashooda, Lakiin aqbaarta fiican ayaa ah in aad wax ka bedeli karto, Hadaba fiiro gaar u lahaaw sida aad waqtigaaga ku isticmaasho maalin walba adigoo isticmaalaya habkaan oo ah 1. Diiwangelin, 2. Falanqeyn iyo 3. Isbedel kuwaas oo kaa caawindoona si ugu fiican ee aad u maareyn karto waqtigaaaga qaaliga ahi. 1.      Diiwaangelin – Subaxii marka aad soo kacdo ayaa waxaad diiwaangelisaa dhamaan waxa shaqo / camal aad qabaneyso maalinka, wax walbo ay ahaataba xitaa hadii aad sameyneyso kubad ciyaarid, social media, shadada iwm ilaa saacada aad ka seexaneyso. 2.      Falanqeyn – Adigoo tixraacaya waxa aad #1. Diwaangelisay waxaad falanqeysaa sida aad ku isticmaashay waxtigaaga imisaa saacad ayaa


Hada ka hor waxaa jiray nin aad ugu wanaagsana xaaskiisa oo aad u texgelinjiray, markaasa dadka ka ag dhawaa ayaa waxey ku yiraahden hebel naagtiis ayuu caabudaa yacni waa uu u jijilcan yahay, Sanado badan ka hor ayaa sidoo kale waxa jiray nin boqor ah oo aad loo xushmeyn jiray markaasaa ayuu maalim maalmaha ka mid wuxuu iskugu yeeray dhamaan wixii shaqaalihiisa ahaa oo wuxuu weydiyay labo su’aalood oo kala ah (1) Wixii rag oo dumarkood ka aday oo xukuma meel ha istaagaan (2) Wixii rag ay dumarkood amraan / u taliyaan meel ha istaagaan. Marka oo boqorka hadalka dhameystay ayaa dhamaan ragii su’aasha labaad meel iskugu tageen oo dumarkood ay u talshaan halka hal qof keliya oo gooni u istaagay oo dhahay boqoroow aniga naagtey/xaaskeyga aniga ayaa u talsha. Boqorkii waa uu usacbiyay ninkii keligi istaagay oo wuxuu ku dhahay waxaa tahay nin ad-adag ee waxaan abaal marin kuu siinayaa faraska ugu qurxoon fardaheyga oo mida aad rabto kala bax oo dooqaaga ah, Ninkii waxaa loo waday

Somali Success Stories

By Maryam Abdi | May 4th, 2015 They say, “You are you are your own worst critic” but today I am my biggest cheerleader. As my Hooyo (mother) always says, “No Pain, No Gain” and with that being said, I have been waiting to tell this story, the story of my journey so please take the time to read it: Hi my name is Maryama Abdi, from Eden Priarie, MN.  I’m a 22 year old mom with one child.  I come from a lower middle class single parent household. My Mom’s name is Farrah Osman, my father died in the early 90’s and my mom had 3 children under the age of 5 at the time. She eventually remarried and had my beautiful sister. However after the crackdown after 9/11 regarding immigration my stepfather got deported. That was hard on us because he is the best father anyone could ever ask for. I love him and respect him as if he was my biological father. My mom always said the key to success is Education and my extended family is highly educated so it was always a priority to get it done. I go

Federal Somalia: Not if but How.

A significant majority of Somalis favor a federal system of governance, despite serious misgivings.  This is according to a research project concluded by HIPS that spun across 5 major cities in Somalia.The majority of those surveyed consider federalism as the best way to achieve a power-sharing mechanism among Somali clans whereas a vertical system of governance with a highly centralized unitary state is seen as inherently undemocratic and oppressive. People demand horizontal power structures where they can retain a fair degree of influence at the local level. Source: HIPs


1.      They think everyone’s been to  Africa  enough times to discuss which are the best and worst airports. 2.      They don’t consider you’ve been to a place unless you had to rent an apartment and pay utilities. 3.      They think the 11pm news is talking about them. 4.      They think they understand third-world problems better than the experts or the people actually living in those third-world countries. 5.      They think five years is a long-term commitment. 6.      They think malaria and dengue are perfectly acceptable diseases for children to be exposed to. 7.      They’ve heard gun shots, and are not afraid to tell you or your parents the story. 8.      They’ll try to cook you black and white pasta, with zebra meat instead of squid, and complain if they can’t find it in the market. 9.      They’ve eaten snake or crocodile, or both. 10.   They will celebrate strange holidays like  chung beng  and expect you to know what they are talking about. 11.   They’


1. Make fewer decisions. The more decisions we make, the more fatigued our brain becomes and the less effective we are over the long-term. So, first, stop browsing so much! Mindlessly browsing consumes incredible amounts of brainpower; every new link and every new piece of information to pay attention to eats up your mental energy and reserves. It costs you not only your focus, but your will power and future focal power as well. If you’re looking for something, search for ONE thing, find it… and then stop. Limit your browsing and get back your brain. 2. Define your mission. Most people show up without any intention and, as a result, they end up doing too many things that aren’timportant. Ask yourself, “What do I desire in life? What should I be doing with my time at this moment to further my life and mission?” Figure out the steps ahead, take focused action, and be ruthless in minimizing time spent on anything else. 3. Say NO to everything immediately, as a first response, from n


The collapse of the central government of Somalia in late 1991 had resulted immense chaos and destruction in the country especially the public institutions and infrastructure, among the worst hit sector is Somalia’s aviation system, which was once on its peak of operations in the 1980s. In 2012, the ministry along with the Somali Civil Aviation Steering Committee set a three-year window for reconstruction of the national civil aviation capacity. After a long period of management by the Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia  (CACAS), SCAMA in conjunction with the  International Civil Aviation Organization  also finalized a process in 2014 to transfer control of Somalia's airspace to the new Air Space Management Centre in the capital. On 17 December 2014, Transport Minister Qorshel announced that the Somalian government had regained control of its airspace after reaching an agreement with the International Civil Aviation Organization. The minist