1.Ramadan is not for arguing or debating over the Hilal or moon sighting, so don't waste time debating this issue, rather focus on learning something that would benefit yourself and your family.

2.Ramadan is not for overeating, overindulging(eat too much) in food, drinks, or obsessive cooking, so eat in moderation that which is halal, organic and wholesome, and try to shed a few pounds. Fasting should teach us self control and discipline over our bodies and over what we consume. It is our annual chance to shed those extra pounds, but unfortunately most of us do the opposite! Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) taught us moderation and self control in all aspects of life, and forbade us to harm ourselves, directly or indirectly.

3.Ramadan is not for Haram, so avoid Haram in selling, buying, eating, drinking, smoking, and in your relationships. If we can abstain from what is permissible and even our necessities during our fasting, then why can't we abstain from what is prohibited?

4.Ramadan is not for cheating, lying, backbiting, gossiping, slandering, or spreading rumors. If the tongue is able to avoid the pleasure of tasting the food and quenching its thirst, then why not keep it clean from what can ruin our fast?
5.Ramadan is not for overspending on food and parties. Feed the poor, invite the relatives and friends, but do not show off or compete in overspending.
6.Ramadan is not for oversleeping. Pray more in the night, read Quran, work during the day. That is the Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH). Laziness has no place in Ramadan.

7.Ramadan is not for wasting time by watching more TV. Television channels compete in showing their best programs during this time, and many of us spend hours each day and night watching them. Time is precious, we will regret every minute wasted by not spending it in an act of worship or goodness. So this Ramadan why not pledge to yourself and ask your family to cut down on the tube time? Read a book(Quran) instead, it is much more rewarding. Let us benefit from the rewards Allah has promised us during this blessed month, and try to forge better lifelong habits in the process.

8.Ramadan is not for inviting the wealthy while ignoring the poor, so when we plan our Iftars, let us remember to invite those who are usually forgotten.
9.Ramadan is not for losing control over our nerves or emotions, frowning(glower), showing anger, or making excuses for letting ourselves vent or explode because "I am fasting and hungry." It should be the opposite. In fact, fasting should teach us how to control our emotions, to be more patient, balance the mind, body and soul, and smile.

Many of us will read this article and say: "Easier said than done." That may very well be true, but who said that the road to Paradise is easy? Unless we struggle with every step on this journey we may lose the way, and that will be the biggest tragedy of all.THANK YOU ALL AND HAVE BLESS "RAMADANUL KAREEM"


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