

  The news of #MSF operations suspension at #LasAnood has today shocked the Somali people and it explored all social media platforms with everyone surprised of the Humanitarian organization’s Health Service delivery closure. The Humanitarian situation at #LaasCanood had been tense with massive displacement recorded of around 185,000 residents (UNHCR,2023) and loss of lives. 6 months into the fighting the Humanitarian response hasn’t been impactful as the humanitarian appeal for #LasAnod didn’t receive the attention it deserved partially due to the complexity surrounding the #Somaliland engagement in the fighting and with Somalia’s international partners partially trying to stand neutral ground amid of witnessed violation of International Humanitarian Law. The majority of the Somali people were outraged by the announcement of #MSF withdrawal and health service delivery which is crucial to the local people of #LasAnood and many called for the international organization to reconsider it

#CleanUrCity Movement

#CleanUrCity Who doesn’t like to spend time at a clean beach view over the weekends while enjoying the sea breeze with a cup of your favorite Somalia tea? Of course, yes! A group of Somali volunteers had stepped up voluntary to clean up the most popular Liido Beach in #Mogadishu and conduct a weekly clean up campaign on every Friday for the 6th consecutive week at the time of this writing and probably continue. Environmental matters are taking more interest in global stage and clean environment is a priority worldwide and gaining popularity in attaining sustainable solution for a clean world.   How effective a small group can impact. If a small group organized themselves on weekends can clean and collect significant bags of garbage and plastic remaining materials thus we quickly learnt that there is no small impact when it comes to helping in the clean up of our environment. As the volunteers pick up items one by one like a cigarette butt, plastic bottles and handful trash will mak
  The Brain drain affecting National NGOs. Let’s jiggle our minds and look into the endless circle of brain drain affecting the local institutions and National NGOs in particular. First lest break it down the word brain-drain “Its literally the migration of the smart minds from any institution to another or cross country. Looking into the vast unemployment rate in our country Somalia considered to be around 75 % with yearly new graduates from local universities adding weight to the already stretched in country employment capacity. Local institutions and organization especially the National NGO often is the primary bridging gap of employment accessibility to INGO/UN bodies. Any job opportunity in any INGO/UN calls for a lengthy requirement of previous experience with the most between 3 – 5 years. Let’s ask ourselves where do these experience pre-requisite years pop up since new graduate got mostly zero experience in their resumes. Talking from NNGO stand, NNGO is quite open minded


This is how the professionals get trapped into SISI - Single Income, Single Identity A "mouse" was put at the top of a jar filled with grains He was too happy to find so much of food around him Now he doesn't need to run around searching for food and can happily lead his life As he enjoyed the grains, in few days time, he reached to the bottom of the jar Now he is trapped and he cannot come out of it He has to solely depend upon someone to put grains in the same jar for him to survive He may even not get the grain of his choice and he cannot choose either If he has to live, he has to feed on whatever has been put into the jar Here are my top 4 lessons from this: 1) Short term pleasures can lead to long-term traps 2) If things are coming easy and you are getting comfortable, you are getting trapped into survival mode 3) When you are not using your potential, you are losing it 4) If you don't take right Action at right time, you will finish what you have and will be in

The institutionalized perception of Somali National NGOs Lacking Capacity.

Background. Somalia a country of 15 million population according to Work Bank (WB) which mainly depends on humanitarian aid and the presence of INGO goes way long before 90s when there had been a stable government in power by then then the civil war broke out and the livelihoods of the population is entirely disrupted and infrastructures destroyed. Fast forward came the aftermath of the famous 1992 drought country wide that attracted the attention of the world and that is when vast number of INGOs fully operation in Somalia. This came at time of absolute chaos and surely it was a hard environment to operate to extreme extend. Somali National NGOs most were formed during this hard times to facilitate aid and humanitarian service delivery while working alongside the INGOs, Due to the nature of the situation at the time forced INGOs support to NNGO be based on the aspect of primarily accessibility which basically meant any certain NNGO will be contracted to facilitate a cert


Few days back; I had been among a group of Humanitarian actors who had happened to meet with his excellence Mr. Abdiaziz Hassan Laftagarren the regional state president for South West State Somalia (SWS) and part of his brief appreciation and encouragement speech, I was impressed how well articulate he is and giving us all the stats of the need on ground and that the SWS fully supports the facilitation and support of the Humanitarian partners in SWS. What touched me most is a typical scenario that he had shared with and he says “There had been a case of young 17 years old pregnant girl from Barawe district who had been under labor pain for hours and he case was complicated and yet there are no local flights, nor sea route and above all poor road, I had to personally pay $ 800.00 to make sure that young lady and her kid is saved and was taken to Mogadishu where she gave birth and doing ok now”. Then it was follow by his emphasized on SWS most needs being Education and Health a


An old man had once passed by a young girl cooking a fish and as he was passing by he noted that the girl was cutting off almost half of head and half of the fish’s tail then she put it on the saucepan. Out of curiosity the old man asked the girl “Why are you cutting a good portion of the fish meat”. Then she replied “I saw my mom cook this way”. Old man: Great, can you ask you mom why she taught you to cook it like this. Girl:         Ok Sir. Girl:         Asks “Mom, why you cook the fish and cut off half of it when cooking. Mom      replies “I don’t why; I just saw my mom (Grand-mom) cook that way” Girl:         Mom, can you please ask grandma. Mom      asks “Mom (Grandma), why is it that you used to cut the fish from head and tail with half of its flesh??”. Grandma  :           replied “My daughter, I even don’t know; let ask you grandma (Grand-grandmother). Grand-grandma   :        when asked the same question, she replied “It’s because we never had a big sa