#CleanUrCity Movement


Who doesn’t like to spend time at a clean beach view over the weekends while enjoying the sea breeze with a cup of your favorite Somalia tea? Of course, yes! A group of Somali volunteers had stepped up voluntary to clean up the most popular Liido Beach in #Mogadishu and conduct a weekly clean up campaign on every Friday for the 6th consecutive week at the time of this writing and probably continue. Environmental matters are taking more interest in global stage and clean environment is a priority worldwide and gaining popularity in attaining sustainable solution for a clean world. 

How effective a small group can impact.

If a small group organized themselves on weekends can clean and collect significant bags of garbage and plastic remaining materials thus we quickly learnt that there is no small impact when it comes to helping in the clean up of our environment. As the volunteers pick up items one by one like a cigarette butt, plastic bottles and handful trash will make a huge trash pile. Liido Beach cleanups are truly a rewarding experience. Knowing the trash picked up won’t end up at the beach and won’t cause harm which is empowering. Seeing how much change a small group can do in such little time should encourage others to do the same. It was a great way to spend a Friday afternoon, especially knowing the positive impact that these volunteers are making.

Collective Responsibility.


Clean environment calls for a collective responsibility and it isn’t about the municipality role alone, if we need to have a more clean roads, public spaces and beaches then we are all accountable starting from individual behavioral acts. Its within the collective responsibility of the nation and youth to make the change and make a reality for a clean city and beaches, The clean beach we all desire to enjoy begins at your front door, regardless of how far you live from the ocean, so if you see any trash on the beach or in your neighborhood make sure to pick it up and dispose of it properly.


More needs to be done especially on issues regarding advocacy with the big cooperate companies and the local business owners alongside the beautiful Liido Beach to collective contribute and support in maintaining a clean environment, Scale up of the new vibrant youth volunteers for the cleanup campaigns.

Keep your plastics away from the beach. Next time you go to the seaside, think twice. Make sure you bring eco-friendly packaging, and don’t leave them behind when you go home. Avoid plastic bottles, and little waste items such as straws or food wrappers which are easily blown away by the marine breeze. If you are a smoker, bring your own portable ashtray and avoid burying cigarette butts in the sand – remember they contain plastics!

Raise awareness. Tell your friends, children, parents, colleagues and beach buddies about seaside pollution. Use your social networks to share the #CleanUrCity campaign and spread the word. We need everyone on board for this.


We can all Help.


We can all help and be part of this great cause of cleaning our city and beach too, Lets turn up for the volunteerism and on Fridays cleanup campaign eventually when the campaign exercise if done you can proudly enjoy and have a good swim. If you cant make it physically; you can still contribute in supporting with the buying gloves, Bags for trash collection and rentals for the lorries transporting the trash from the clean up site. Lets all be the “change we wanna See” YES its doable and we can do it.


To all the volunteers who participated the #CleanUrCity campaign, we say THANK YOU.



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