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Few days back; I had been among a group of Humanitarian actors who had happened to meet with his excellence Mr. Abdiaziz Hassan Laftagarren the regional state president for South West State Somalia (SWS) and part of his brief appreciation and encouragement speech, I was impressed how well articulate he is and giving us all the stats of the need on ground and that the SWS fully supports the facilitation and support of the Humanitarian partners in SWS. What touched me most is a typical scenario that he had shared with and he says “There had been a case of young 17 years old pregnant girl from Barawe district who had been under labor pain for hours and he case was complicated and yet there are no local flights, nor sea route and above all poor road, I had to personally pay $ 800.00 to make sure that young lady and her kid is saved and was taken to Mogadishu where she gave birth and doing ok now”. Then it was follow by his emphasized on SWS most needs being Education and Health a


An old man had once passed by a young girl cooking a fish and as he was passing by he noted that the girl was cutting off almost half of head and half of the fish’s tail then she put it on the saucepan. Out of curiosity the old man asked the girl “Why are you cutting a good portion of the fish meat”. Then she replied “I saw my mom cook this way”. Old man: Great, can you ask you mom why she taught you to cook it like this. Girl:         Ok Sir. Girl:         Asks “Mom, why you cook the fish and cut off half of it when cooking. Mom      replies “I don’t why; I just saw my mom (Grand-mom) cook that way” Girl:         Mom, can you please ask grandma. Mom      asks “Mom (Grandma), why is it that you used to cut the fish from head and tail with half of its flesh??”. Grandma  :           replied “My daughter, I even don’t know; let ask you grandma (Grand-grandmother). Grand-grandma   :        when asked the same question, she replied “It’s because we never had a big sa


Put a frog into a vessel filled with water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water begins to rise, the frog adjusts its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps adjusting its body temperature with the increasing temperature of the water. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog cannot adjust anymore. At this point, the frog decides to jump out. The frog tries to jump but it is unable to do so because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature. Very soon the frog dies. What killed the frog? Think about it…!! I know many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out. This is how the majority of salary earners live their lives Their salary is not always enough to cater for their needs and are unable to fulfil many of their dreams. They continue to adjust until they get retired. After retirement, they come to


South West State (SWS) regional government came into effect on 19 th Dec.2018 following a controversial interference from the federal government at Mogadishu where Mukhtar Robow was struck out his name from the ballot by the election committee following his arrest and still remains under the custody of the federal government of Somalia. The way the SWS election happened had raised significant questions with international community questioning the process and the aftermath of the election which triggered civil unrest and wide scale demonstrations in Baidoa that caused partial shutdown of all business activities in Baidoa then later the arrest of significant youth members among the demonstrators, this had attracted the attention of international community and the UN secretary General for Somalia, Mr. Nicholas Haysom then raised numerous concerns on the Federal Government interference addressed to the UN Security Council. On Jan. 1, The Somali federal government expelled U.N env