
Showing posts from April, 2020

The institutionalized perception of Somali National NGOs Lacking Capacity.

Background. Somalia a country of 15 million population according to Work Bank (WB) which mainly depends on humanitarian aid and the presence of INGO goes way long before 90s when there had been a stable government in power by then then the civil war broke out and the livelihoods of the population is entirely disrupted and infrastructures destroyed. Fast forward came the aftermath of the famous 1992 drought country wide that attracted the attention of the world and that is when vast number of INGOs fully operation in Somalia. This came at time of absolute chaos and surely it was a hard environment to operate to extreme extend. Somali National NGOs most were formed during this hard times to facilitate aid and humanitarian service delivery while working alongside the INGOs, Due to the nature of the situation at the time forced INGOs support to NNGO be based on the aspect of primarily accessibility which basically meant any certain NNGO will be contracted to facilitate a cert